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Maj. Gen. Michael Bednarek (center), First Army Division East commander, visited Camp Atterbury, Ind., walks to the training area along with Maj. Gen. Renaldo Rivera, Virgin Islands National Guard adjutant general, and Col. Steven Merkel, 205th Infantry Brigade commander based at Camp Atterbury, during a Kosovo Forces training exercise. Bednarek visited Camp Atterbury to review the training process the Soldiers heading to Kosovo as part of KFOR 12 receive prior to their deployment. Bednarek also spent some time with the deploying troops during lunch time. KFOR 12 is a brigade size combat team made of Reserve and National Guard Soldiers from 14 different states and territories.

Stoltenberg: Kemi vendosur të dislokojmë 700 trupa të tjera në Kosovë dhe kemi vendosur një batalion në gatishmëri të lartë

Sekretari i Përgjithshëm i NATO-s, Jens Stoltenberg, deklaroi se Aleanca ka vendosur të dislokojë 700 trupa të tjera nga Forca Operacionale për Ballkanin Perëndimor në […]

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SOCHI, RUSSIA – DECEMBER 4, 2019: Serbia's President Aleksandar Vucic (L) and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin shake hands after a joint press conference following their meeting at Bocharov Ruchei residence. Mikhail Metzel/TASS Ðîññèÿ. Ñî÷è. Ïðåçèäåíò Ñåðáèè Àëåêñàíäð Âó÷è÷ è ïðåçèäåíò ÐÔ Âëàäèìèð Ïóòèí (ñëåâà íàïðàâî) ïîñëå ñîâìåñòíîé ïðåññ-êîíôåðåíöèè ïî èòîãàì âñòðå÷è â ðåçèäåíöèè "Áî÷àðîâ ðó÷åé". Ìèõàèë Ìåòöåëü/ÒÀÑÑ

Korrespondenti i Kyiv Post: Vuçiq këlysh i Putinit, po provokon një konflikt drithërues në Ballkan

Korrespodenti i gazetës ukrainase Kyiv Post, Jason Jay Smart ka komentuar zhvillimet e fundit në veri të Kosovës. Sipas gazetarit, Vuçiq po provokon një konflikt […]

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